Las Vegas Dangerous Toys & Equipment Lawyer

When defective products are sold to the public and people are injured, manufacturers and distributors can be held accountable. It takes an aggressive Las Vegas dangerous toys and equipment attorney to be willing to conduct a thorough investigation to bring a successful case. Dangerous toys and equipment are sold to the public on a daily basis.

If you feel you or a loved one has been the victim of a defective product you need to call a Las Vegas product liability lawyer now to fight for the compensation you deserve.

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Click on any of the following links to jump down to the section on the page.
Why Should I Hire a Los Angeles Dangerous Toys & Equipment Attorney?
How Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers Can Help
What Damages Can I Recover for My Dangerous Toys & Equipment Injuries?
How Long Do I Have to File a Claim in Nevada?
Examples of Dangerous Toys & Equipment for Children
Understanding the True Cost of an Injured Child
Types of Injuries Sustained From Dangerous Toys & Equipment
Speak to Our Las Vegas Dangerous Toys & Equipment Lawyer Today

Why Should I Hire a Los Angeles Dangerous Toys & Equipment Attorney?

A Las Vegas dangerous toys and equipment lawyer can bring a deep understanding of product liability laws and regulations to your case. This specialized knowledge is invaluable in building a strong legal argument and navigating the complexities of the claims process. In addition, an attorney can provide:

  • Access to Resources: Lawyers have access to a network of resources, including expert witnesses, investigators, and industry professionals, who can provide critical evidence to support your dangerous toy or equipment case. This can significantly bolster your position and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.
  • Experience with Similar Cases: Lawyers who have dealt with defective product cases in the past are familiar with the tactics and defense strategies used by manufacturers. This experience enables them to anticipate potential challenges and develop countermeasures, giving your case a stronger foundation.
  • Strategic Advocacy: An experienced attorney can skillfully negotiate with manufacturers, insurers, and other parties involved to secure fair compensation for the damages you have incurred.
  • Thorough Assessment of Damages: A lawyer can conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your losses to ensure that all long-term aspects of your injury are considered when seeking a settlement.
  • Handling of Paperwork: An attorney can manage the intricate paperwork on your behalf and ensure that necessary steps are taken, reducing the risk of procedural errors that could jeopardize your case.
  • Maximum Compensation: With a lawyer’s guidance, you significantly enhance your chances of receiving more compensation. Studies show that victims who hire a lawyer usually receive three and a half times more in settlements or verdicts, even after paying legal fees. Many lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only receive payment if you win your case. This removes the financial burden of upfront costs and makes skilled legal representation more accessible, particularly during a challenging time.

How Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers Can Help

The Las Vegas personal injury lawyers at Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers have a track record of favorable outcomes in product liability cases involving consumer goods. Although we are a small firm, we have the resources to bring suit against major manufacturers when their products cause injury or death. We do not shy away from a fight.

If your child was hurt by dangerous infant furnishings, injured in a defective car seat or poisoned by a dangerous toy or food product, you may have a valid product liability case.

Las Vegas Dangerous Toys & Equipment Lawyer

What Damages Can I Recover for My Dangerous Toys & Equipment Injuries?

The term “damages” refers to the monetary compensation awarded to a person who has suffered harm, loss, or injury due to the wrongful conduct of another party. In a dangerous toy or equipment case, the following types of damages may be available:

  • Medical Expenses: Compensation for any medical bills incurred as a result of the injury, including hospital stays, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and therapy. In cases where ongoing medical treatment or rehabilitation is necessary, you can seek compensation for anticipated future medical costs.
  • Lost Wages: If the injury resulted in missed workdays or an inability to work in the future, you may be entitled to compensation for lost income and potential future earnings.
  • Pain and Suffering: This covers the physical and emotional distress experienced due to the injury, which can include pain, discomfort, anxiety, depression, and other forms of emotional suffering.
  • Disability or Disfigurement: If the injury results in a permanent disability or disfigurement, you may be eligible for compensation for its impact.
  • Reduced Quality of Life: This encompasses the negative impact the injury has on your daily activities, hobbies, and overall enjoyment of your daily life.
  • Punitive Damages: In cases where the manufacturer’s actions were negligent or particularly reckless, punitive damages may be awarded to punish them and deter similar behavior in the future.

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim in Nevada?

In Nevada, the statute of limitations sets a time limit for individuals to file lawsuits related to injuries or damages caused by defective products. Generally, you have four years from the date of the injury or discovery of the injury to file a product liability lawsuit against the responsible party, which may include manufacturers, distributors, or sellers of the defective toy. It is crucial to note that once the statute of limitations has run, you will be barred from pursuing compensation.

Limiting the timeframe for dangerous toy cases promotes the timely resolution of disputes. This benefits both plaintiffs (victims) and defendants (at-fault parties) by ensuring that cases are heard while memories are still fresh, witnesses are available, and evidence is more reliable. Knowing that time is a factor, parties may be more inclined to engage in settlement negotiations. This can lead to quicker resolutions and avoid lengthy legal battles.

Examples of Dangerous Toys & Equipment for Children

Recent unsafe infant and child products have included:

  • Defective strollers and highchairs: Design flaws or manufacturing defects may lead to a collapse, malfunctioning brakes, or inadequate restraint systems, resulting in falls or injuries. Similarly, defective highchairs may have structural weaknesses, unreliable locking mechanisms, or poorly designed harnesses, putting young children at risk of falling or getting trapped.
  • Defective infant car seats: If not properly designed or installed, car seats may fail to protect children in the event of an accident. Common issues include faulty latching mechanisms, insufficient padding, or weak structural components.
  • Toys with unsafe coatings or made of unsafe metals: Toys containing harmful substances, like lead, phthalates, or other toxic materials, can pose significant health risks to children. Exposure to these toxins can lead to developmental delays, cognitive impairments, and other serious conditions.
  • Defective children’s decorative lamps: Decorative lamps with small detachable parts, such as decorative beads or charms, may pose a choking hazard for young children. In addition, unstable or poorly balanced lamps can pose a risk of tipping over and lamps that become excessively hot can result in burns.
  • Defective cribs: For example, cribs with drop sides could malfunction, leading to gaps where a child can become trapped, leading to suffocation or strangulation risks. Cribs that have slats too far apart, made with faulty hardware, or constructed with substandard materials also pose a risk of severe injury.
  • Dangerous toys that come apart, exposing small pieces: Small and detachable components can present a choking hazard, especially for infants and toddlers who commonly put objects in their mouths. Manufacturers are typically required to label toys with appropriate age recommendations and choking hazard warnings.
  • Bicycles and helmets: Manufacturing flaws or design defects may compromise the structural integrity of a bike, leading to an increased risk of accidents and injuries. Similarly, helmets that are poorly designed or constructed may fail to provide adequate protection in a collision or fall.
  • Playground equipment: Common issues include poorly maintained structures, faulty materials, or design flaws that can result in falls, entrapment, or other accidents.
  • Baby walkers: Baby walkers have been associated with numerous incidents, prompting safety concerns and calls for improved regulations. Issues such as instability, inadequate braking mechanisms, or poor construction materials have led to accidents, falls, and injuries.
  • Children’s clothing: Design flaws, such as unsafe drawstrings or poorly secured embellishments, may lead to entanglement and strangulation hazards. Additionally, substandard materials or manufacturing processes could result in skin irritations or allergic reactions.
  • Electrical toys: Toys with electrical components, wiring, or batteries, if poorly constructed or inadequately tested, may result in electrical shocks, burns, or even fires.

Understanding the True Cost of an Injured Child

Children are vulnerable in many ways — vulnerable to physical injury due to their size and vulnerable to chemical exposure because their minds and bodies are developing. Injuries in these formative years can have lifelong consequences. There are strict guidelines when it comes to the development of equipment that is tailored for child use, however, mistakes do happen. If your child has been injured in any way you are advised to consult with a legal professional immediately.

If a child sustains injuries due to a dangerous toy or piece of equipment, seeking medical attention immediately is crucial. Even if an injury seems minor, it can also have hidden or delayed effects that only a medical professional can identify. Prompt medical care not only prioritizes the child’s well-being but also strengthens the foundation for any subsequent legal claims, helping to establish the link between the injury and the defective product.

types of injuries sustained from dangerous toys & equipment

Types of Injuries Sustained From Dangerous Toys & Equipment

Defective children’s products can lead to a range of injuries, varying in severity. Some common types include:

  • Choking and strangulation: Small parts, detachable components, or poorly designed elements in toys or clothing can pose choking hazards or strangulation risks, leading to respiratory distress or even death.
  • Cuts and lacerations: Sharp edges or defective mechanisms in products can cause lacerations and cuts that require stitches and monitoring for signs of infection.
  • Burns: Burns from faulty electrical toys or other products can cause excruciating pain, scarring, and long-term damage. Depending on the severity, burns can require surgical intervention.
  • Fractures: Defective strollers, highchairs, cribs, or other furniture can lead to severe fractures. Treatment may include immobilization, casting, or surgery.
  • Suffocation: Poorly designed cribs, bassinets, or toys with inadequate safety features may pose a risk of suffocation for infants.
  • Poisoning: Toys or products containing toxic materials, such as lead-based paint, can lead to poisoning if ingested.
  • Electrocution: Faulty wiring or poorly designed electrical components in toys can result in electrical shocks or electrocution, causing injuries ranging from minor burns to severe internal damage.
  • Head injuries: Defective helmets, improperly designed sports equipment, or falls from faulty products can increase the risk of head injuries. Brain injuries can vary in severity and long-term repercussions, and may require hospitalization, surgery, and rehabilitation.
  • Eye injuries: Toys with sharp or projectile components may cause eye injuries if they break or malfunction.
  • Respiratory issues: Children’s products, especially those intended for infants, may contain materials or substances that lead to respiratory problems if inhaled.

Speak to Our Las Vegas Dangerous Toys & Equipment Lawyer Today

The Las Vegas dangerous toy & equipment injury attorneys at Harris & Harris will help file a personal injury lawsuit and work with medical experts to understand the impact that an injury will have in the long term. We work with life care planners to develop a clear picture of the resources your child will need to maximize his or her potential following a debilitating injury. We work with economists to understand both the cost of care and the potential financial limitations your child may experience later in life.

In every product defect case, our objective is the same: to ensure that our client receives fair compensation for his or her serious injuries or for the death of a family member. Please call us at (702) 819-7792 or toll-free at 1 (800) 393-2350. Also, we invite you to fill out our convenient online form.