Having access to water and a balanced diet are basic life necessities. Malnutrition and dehydration are tragically, among the most common health problems for individuals residing in nursing homes. In some cases, malnutrition and dehydration are due to medication, dental surgeries, and other conditions. In many cases, dehydration and malnutrition are the result of negligence on the part of the nursing home or its staff. If someone you love has been affected by such negligence, make sure to contact our malnutrition and dehydration lawyers in Las Vegas to seek compensation.
Nursing home staff should take extra care to make sure their wards are taken care of and to know when this requires extra work or monitoring. When a nursing home is understaffed or the training is not enough, employees may not understand how to conduct proper monitoring of its patients. It’s important that the nursing home’s staff keep a close eye on the eating and drinking habits of its residents, especially since many individuals may require assistance or have conditions that can complicate their needs.
Water and food are essential for the body to perform its most basic functions. Insufficient water or nutrients can weaken the body and make a person more susceptible to illness, especially when they are older. Elderly individuals are at a much greater risk of developing hydration and nutrition problems and also have a harder time tolerating and recovering from them. No one should ever have to suffer such negligence and if you or someone you know has, it’s important to seek legal guidance from our nursing home abuse lawyers in Las Vegas.
Between 1999 and 2002, dehydration and malnutrition were linked to nearly 1400 deaths in nursing homes. Chronic and severe dehydration in elderly individuals may result in very serious complications, such as:
When visiting a loved one in a nursing home, be sure to observe them carefully and ask questions that may help you to understand their time in the facility. Make sure to look out for symptoms of malnutrition and dehydration, such as:
If someone you love has experienced any of these types of symptoms as a result of negligence, contact personal injury lawyers in Las Vegas immediately. Oftentimes family members are not around enough to notice changes that have occurred in their family member. The individuals taking care of your loved one should be able to answer these questions:
Incompetent or negligent staff may not be able to keep sufficient records of each resident’s needs and behavior. Older individuals may not be aware of their needs or how dehydrated or malnourished they are, making it difficult or impossible for them to ask for help. When proper records aren’t kept and staff can’t anticipate specific needs for individual residents, dehydration and malnutrition may occur. It may be considered negligence if the nursing home and its staff fails to do any of the following:
When your loved one is suffering and you believe it may be due to negligent nursing home staff members, it’s important to seek legal advice from our experienced malnutrition and dehydration lawyers in Las Vegas. We are here to help you seek the justice you and your loved one deserve.
With over 15 years of experience handling personal injury lawsuits of all types, you can trust Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers for your legal needs. Give us a call at (702) 384-1414 to speak with our lawyers in Las Vegas or contact us online.