What is a Hypoxic Brain Injury?

Hypoxic brain injuries are caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. In these types of injuries, the brain isn’t starved entirely of oxygen, but they are injuries caused when the brain only has a little oxygen reaching it. Hypoxic brain injuries, which are a form of traumatic brain injuries, can be permanent, causing lifelong quality of life concerns for you or your loved one.

If you believe that you may have a personal injury lawsuit involving a hypoxic brain injury, contact our Las Vegas brain injury lawyers for your free consultation and case evaluation. We are here to help you and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

What is a Hypoxic Brain Injury?

What are the Signs of a Hypoxic Brain Injury?

How do you know what to watch for when dealing with traumatic brain injuries? Or when to seek medical attention? Have you ever heard of a hypoxic brain injury? What are the symptoms of hypoxic brain injuries? How do you know the severity of the injury?

Signs and symptoms of a hypoxic brain injury vary, but may include disorientation, slurred speech, rapid or shallow breath, blue or gray lips, nonresponsive to their name or simple requests, dilated pupils, and convulsions. These symptoms can be lifelong and create memory problems, personality changes, poor judgment, and balance issues. If the lack of oxygen is prolonged, brain death can result in a coma.

Symptoms of a hypoxic brain injury can range in severity and duration. Some will suffer from lifelong injuries, while others will heal. No one knows how their loved one will react to these injuries, nor do they anticipate that this will happen to them.

What are Common Causes of a Hypoxic Brain Injury?

Cardiac arrest and stroke are leading causes of hypoxic brain injury. But common non-medical causes include car accidents, near drowning, electrocution, and strangulation. All of these can lead to injuries that restrict blood flow, thus preventing oxygen from reaching the brain.

It takes a very short amount of time for enough damage to the brain, resulting in a hypoxic brain injury. In some instances, the injuries heal, and in others, the damage done will not subside. Unfortunately, there is no way to know how permanent the damage is, or how the injury will affect your daily life.

Learn More about Hypoxic Brain Injury Claims

What do you do when your life changes in ways you weren’t prepared for? Or ways you are not capable of handling? What if the accident wasn’t your fault? What options do you have? Were the injuries the fault of another party? Were they negligent? How can you prove this?

If you believe you may have a personal injury lawsuit or birth injury lawsuit involving a hypoxic brain injury, contact us now to schedule your free, confidential case evaluation. You may have valuable legal rights that need to be protected, and we are ready and willing to help you.