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What Are the Leading Causes of Paralysis?

Paralysis is a devastating and life-changing injury. It occurs when a person loses the ability to voluntarily move some or all of their body. It can have many different causes, but the leading ones are as follows. Stroke The primary cause of paralysis is a stroke (33.7%). A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked. As a result, brain cells begin to die since they are not receiving the oxygen and nutrients they need....
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What is Arbitration in a Personal Injury Case?

When pursuing a personal injury case, you have the option to attempt to resolve your lawsuit through arbitration instead of the courtroom. Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution, often used if a settlement cannot be reached. The Arbitration Process The plaintiff (victim) and defendant (at-fault party) will decide on an arbitrator and meet with each other and their respective attorneys. The arbitrator is a neutral third party and is usually a retired judge or experienced...
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Common Back Injuries From a Car Accident

Car accidents can cause severe back injuries, and victims often face a lifetime of pain and impairment. Claims are commonly pursued for the following types of back injuries after a collision. Bone Fractures The force of a car accident often causes lower and middle back compression fractures. When one of the 33 bones that protect the spinal cord are cracked or damaged, they often fall into one of the following categories: Burst Fracture: When parts of the...
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Nevada Attractive Nuisance Law

Attractive nuisance is a legal term that refers to a dangerous condition on a property that may attract young children. For example, swimming pools appeal to children, which may cause them to trespass onto property without understanding the danger. Therefore, Nevada imposes an attractive nuisance law, which holds landowners to a higher duty of care to protect children who can potentially wander onto their property. When Property Owners are Liable for Child Injuries Under Nevada’s attractive nuisance...
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What is the Burden of Proof?

To succeed in a personal injury case in Nevada, the plaintiff (victim) has the burden of proof. This means they must provide evidence of their allegations that another party is responsible for their injury and can only recover compensation if they do so. The Definition of Burden of Proof in Personal Injury Cases In personal injury cases, the plaintiff is obligated to prove their claim by a preponderance of evidence. In other words, it is “more likely...
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