Filing a Complaint Against a Trucking Company

If you witness a large truck driving dangerously, you have the option to report the behavior. Filing a complaint can possibly prevent a severe or even fatal truck accident or serve as critical evidence if a crash does occur.

Filing a Complaint Against a Trucking Company

Reporting Option #1

Call 911 if you believe the negligent or reckless behavior you have witnessed can cause an accident. It is the safest course of action for keeping others on the road out of harm’s way. Give the operator any information you can regarding the truck driver and their vehicle, including a description and license plate number if possible.

Reporting Option #2

If you are not in immediate danger but witness negligence on behalf of a large truck driver or trucking company, you may contact the FMCSA at a later time to report it. However, file the complaint as soon as possible and at the latest, within 90 days. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is a division of the Department of Transportation (DOT) that issues and enforces federal trucking regulations and laws.

Common complaints regarding unsafe driving of a truck include:

  • Reckless Driving or Speeding: Truck drivers are required to follow traffic laws and adhere to posted speed limits.
  • Distracted Driving: Driving a large truck while distracted is extremely dangerous (e.g., eating, talking to a passenger or on the phone, adjusting the radio, reaching for an item, daydreaming, etc.)
  • Texting while Driving: It is illegal for truck drivers to text and drive or use a handheld device at all.
  • Driving While Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol
  • Hours of Service Violations: The FMCSA limits the number of hours a truck driver can operate their vehicle before taking a break or rest period.
  • Improperly Secured or Overloaded Cargo: Truck cargo can be incredibly dangerous if not secured correctly or overloaded onto a vehicle.

Truck drivers are also allowed to file complaints against their employers for any FMCSA violations. Some of the types of complaints filed involve:

  • Hours of Service. Trucking company fails to require truck drivers to take breaks or rests or require drivers to drive more than the legally allowable amount of time.
  • Improper Maintenance: Failure to inspect and maintain trucks according to established regulations.
  • Record Keeping: Failure to maintain appropriate and accurate logbooks that are required to identify the hours on the road and maintenance done on trucks.

An FMCSA complaint can be filed online or by calling 888-DOT-SAFT. It will be investigated, and violations can carry hefty fines and may result in the company’s operating license being suspended.

Reporting Option #3

State and local governments also impose their own rules and regulations. If you believe a truck driver or company is violating a Nevada law, you can contact the appropriate state regulatory agency. In Nevada, that would be the Nevada Transportation Authority.

If you have been involved in a truck accident and suffered severe injuries, you may have the right to seek compensation. Speak to an experienced Las Vegas truck accident lawyer in a free consultation today.