Personal Injury

Liability for Trampoline Injuries

Liability for trampoline injuries can depend on a number of factors, but generally, trampoline owners or manufacturers can be held responsible. Homeowners have a duty to ensure their property is safe for visitors, including children who may be attracted to a trampoline. When Homeowners are Liable for Trampoline Injuries Here are some common examples of when homeowner negligence can make them liable for a trampoline injury: Failing to properly maintain the trampoline: This includes failing to repair...
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Recovering Compensation for Sports & Recreation Accidents

If you have been injured while participating in a sports or recreational activity, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. When Can You Recover Compensation after a Sports or Recreational Injury? You might be entitled to compensation after a sports or recreational activity if your injuries were caused by the negligence of another person or entity. Negligence is the failure to exercise reasonable care that another person would have under similar circumstances. However, participation in...
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Medical Expenses After an Accident

After a personal injury accident, you may incur significant medical expenses as a result of your injuries. Therefore, you may wonder how you will pay for the medical bills and other treatment expenses. Who Pays for Medical Expenses After an Accident? Generally speaking, there are several potential sources of payment for medical expenses after a personal injury accident, including: Health Insurance If you have health insurance, it may cover some or all of your medical expenses related...
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What is Contributory Negligence?

If you are injured in a personal injury accident, you have the right to hold the liable party accountable by filing a claim. However, several states apply the law of contributory negligence to personal injury cases, which can significantly impact a victim’s compensation. Contributory Negligence Defined Under a pure contributory negligence system, when a plaintiff (victim) is found partially at fault for an accident that caused their injury, they cannot recover any compensation, even if they were...
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Daycare Negligence: What Can I Do?

If your child gets injured due to a daycare’s negligence, you have legal options for holding them accountable. Even if you signed a waiver of liability, which most daycare providers require, they are typically not enforceable in court. What To Do Immediately After a Daycare Injury Once you are notified that your child was injured while at daycare, it is critical to seek medical care if they have not already been transported to the hospital. Even if...
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