What is a Soft-Tissue Injury?

Any damage to the body’s connective tissues, such as muscles, tendons, or ligaments, is called a soft tissue injury. They can result in immediate pain, swelling, and bruising.

What is a Soft-Tissue Injury?

Common Types of Soft-Tissue Injuries

The most common types of soft-tissue injuries include:

  • Ankle Sprains: Ligaments that support the ankle are stretched beyond their limits and can tear.
  • Back Strain: Injury to the muscle or tendon in the back due to stretching or tearing of a ligament.
  • Whiplash: The intervertebral joints (located between vertebrae), discs, ligaments, cervical muscles, or nerve roots can become damaged when the neck and head are suddenly forced backward and then forward. Whiplash commonly occurs in car accidents, especially rear-end collisions.
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears: A tear to the tissue that connects the thigh bone to the shinbone at the knee.
  • Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Tears: Damage to the ligament inside the knee joint.
  • Lateral Collateral Ligament Tears (LCL): A tear to the band of tissue located outside of the knee on the side that faces away from the body.
  • Medial Collateral Ligament Tears (MCL): Damage to the ligament on the inside of the knee.
  • Tennis Elbow: Damage to the tendons caused by overloading the elbow, typically due to repetitive arm and wrist motions.
  • Strained Hamstring: A strain or tear to the group of muscles and tendons in the back of the thigh.
  • Stress Fractures of the Tibia: A hairline fracture of the tibia bone in the lower leg, also called shin.
  • Stress Fractures of the Fibula: A hairline fracture of the fibula or calf bone.
  • Tendonitis: When any tendon in the body becomes inflamed.
  • Bursitis: Inflammation of a bursa, which are fluid-filled sacs found all over the body that cushion the bones.

Degrees of Soft-Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries can vary in severity and are typically graded as follows:

Grade 1 (Mild)

The body’s fibers are microscopically damaged due to overstretching, resulting in tenderness or swelling.

Grade 2 (Moderate)

Moderate tear (10% to 90%) that causes an abnormal amount of looseness in the joint. Healing will require immobilizing the injured area for several weeks.

Grade 3 (Severe)

Severe or complete tears that often require surgery or a cast to heal.

Common Causes of Soft-Tissue Injuries

Soft-tissue injuries can occur in almost any type of accident but are commonly caused by:

When another party is responsible for causing your soft-tissue injury, you have the right to recover compensation for the costs associated with treating it and any other related accident-related expenses.

Recovering Compensation for a Soft-Tissue Injury

The damage and pain from soft-tissue injuries may not be as obvious or visibly apparent as a hard injury, such as a broken bone. As a result, their severity can be more challenging to prove, and insurance companies often view soft tissue injuries as impermanent. This often leads to lower settlement offers and claimants recovering unfair compensation. Generally, a soft tissue injury claim will be worth more when it is graded as moderate or severe. The longer the recovery and the impact the injury has on your life, including your ability to work, the more valuable your claim. To learn more about your legal options for compensation, speak with an experienced Las Vegas personal injury lawyer.