Multiple parties may be liable if you are injured or damaged by a defective product. Essentially, any party involved in the defective product’s distribution chain can be responsible. Depending on the circumstances, those parties commonly include the following. Product Designer If there was a foreseeable risk posed by a product due to its design, even though it was manufactured correctly, the product’s designer might be liable. Manufacturer Manufacturers are often liable in defective product lawsuits. In some...
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Strict liability is a legal theory under which defective product claims are often brought. A company or individual, such as a manufacturer, distributor, or seller, can be held strictly liable in these cases for harm caused by a product or activity that is inherently dangerous. Under strict liability, victims can pursue legal action without proving negligence or the at-fault party’s intent. When is Strict Liability Applied? Strict liability applies to three types of product defect cases in...
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Few people, except perhaps new parents considering nursery furniture, consistently consider the potential danger of poorly designed or manufactured furniture when they make a purchase. However, the reality is furniture can cause injuries or even death. Here at Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers, we have a team of Las Vegas product liability attorneys that know the dangers that manufactured furniture pose. Design and Manufacturing Defects Some furniture suffers from poor design. Although the piece of furniture was...
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