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Social Media and Your Personal Injury Case

The Pew Research Center conducted a study of all online adults regarding their social media use. They found that eight out of ten American adults have used social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn at some point. Social media websites have provided a lot of additional connection to people within and beyond our normal social circles. They bring people together from across the globe and allow old friends to keep up with one another...
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Pets in Car Accidents

We love our pets like they’re a part of the family. We want to do everything in our power to keep them safe and give them the healthiest, longest life possible. This is why it’s so surprising how little thought people put into driving around with their cat or dog in the car. Traveling with an unrestrained pet is putting your furry friend in grave danger. If there were to be a car collision while your pet...
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Causes of Fatal Auto Accidents

Car accidents happen daily across the country. Unfortunately, many untimely deaths are connected to car collisions. According to the Nevada Department of Public Safety, there were over 300 deaths related to car collisions in 2017 in the state of Nevada, up from around 239 in 2016. Fatal car collisions are an unfortunate reality that end far too many lives. If your loved one has passed in a car collision, it may be possible to take legal action...
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What if a Driver Hits Me While Under the Influence of Drugs?

When most people think of driving under the influence, they only think of drunk driving. Though this is certainly one of the more common forms of driving under the influence, there are many other drugs individuals partake in before getting behind the wheel which drastically increase the rates of an auto accident. Driving Under Influence Of Drugs In the state of Nevada, it is illegal to drive while high on any controlled substance, or even over-the-counter drugs...
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Most Common Car Accident Injuries & How to Avoid Them

Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that more than three million people are injured every year in car collisions across the US. Each car collision is different and the resulting injuries can vary greatly. Some injuries are obvious and don’t require medical attention and go away relatively quickly. Others may not develop for weeks or months after the collision and can require extensive medical treatment, even lifelong care. There are two general categories car...
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