Common Back Injuries From a Car Accident

Car accidents can cause severe back injuries, and victims often face a lifetime of pain and impairment. Claims are commonly pursued for the following types of back injuries after a collision.

Common Back Injuries From a Car Accident

Bone Fractures

The force of a car accident often causes lower and middle back compression fractures. When one of the 33 bones that protect the spinal cord are cracked or damaged, they often fall into one of the following categories:

  • Burst Fracture: When parts of the vertebrae are crushed and can cause bone fragments to scatter.
  • Flexion Fracture: A vertebra or vertebrae in the middle or posterior column fractures.
  • Compression Fracture: When too much pressure causes a crack or small break.
  • Fracture-Dislocation: When one of the above fractures occurs along with the dislocation or movement of a vertebra or vertebrae.

The pain is severe, and surgery is often required, along with prescription medications, physical therapy, and more.

Sprains and Strains

A strain occurs when the tendons in the back that connect bones to muscles are twisted or pulled. When a ligament is stretched or torn, it is considered a sprain. A neck sprain is also referred to as whiplash, and is the most common type of neck injury from car accidents.

Herniated Discs

The discs in the spine act as cushions between the spine and vertebrae. A car accident can cause the material inside the disc to bulge out of place, causing pressure on a nerve. Spinal dislocations happen when the ligaments and discs that connect two vertebrae are torn or stretched, which can sometimes cause the bone to come out of alignment.

Incomplete or Complete Spinal Cord Injury

When a back injury impairs, interferes, or severs the spinal cord, it can result in paralysis. Oftentimes the blow from the collision will fracture or dislocate the vertebrae, and damaged pieces then tear into cord tissue or press down on the nerves. A “complete” spinal cord injury results in paralysis below the injury site. Whereas, with an “incomplete” spinal cord injury, there will still be some movement and sensation below the site of injury.


When a stress fracture displaces a vertebra, it is called spondylolisthesis. The amount of displacement and its compression on the spinal canal or nerves will determine the victim’s level of pain and required medical treatment. Frequently, there will be weakness and numbness along with the pain, making it hard to walk.

Facet Joint Injuries

The facet joints are between bones in the spine, and nerve roots run through them to different parts of the body. When a facet joint is damaged, it causes pain and may prevent you from bending or twisting in different directions.

Back Injury Symptoms After a Car Accident

Here are some symptoms you may experience that immediately signal a back injury after a car accident:

  • Muscle spasms: Repeated twitching and the muscle may feel like a hard knot.
  • Burning pain: Severe pain moving down your back and through the back of one or both legs.
  • Sharp pain when changing positions.
  • Discomfort or a throbbing sensation when walking or standing.
  • Tingling or numbness in your legs, feet, arms, or hands.

Some back injury symptoms can be delayed. Therefore, after any crash, it is in your best interests to seek medical care as soon as possible. If your injuries are serious, consider also speaking with an experienced Las Vegas car accident lawyer to explore your legal options.