Common Myths About Personal Injury Law

Personal injury law is commonly misunderstand to many individuals who have never actually been involved in a case. It’s often portrayed in the media as individuals who are faking or exaggerating injuries to unfairly pursue claims against innocent individuals. You may have even seem dash-cam footage of an individual jumping out in front of a car intentionally, so he or she can claim the driver hit them and should pay for their injuries. Whether you have been in an accident or know someone that has, it’s important to speak with a specialized injury attorney in Las Vegas NV.

Though personal injury law often gets a bad wrap, it’s a very important and useful aspect of law. There should be a way for people who are injured due to someone else’s actions to receive compensation for their injuries. If you are involved in a car collision through no fault of your own, it can be hard to swallow piling medical bills and extended time away from work. Injuries relating to personal injury claims can be very serious and long-lasting. Insurance companies work only for themselves and are seeking to pay out the least amount of money possible.

Read below to understand some common myths about personal injury and to understand what’s involved and seek legal advice from an experienced attorney.

Lawyers are Expensive

There are many jokes surrounding how expensive lawyers are to talk to, let alone hire. Many people brush off the idea of ever hiring a lawyer simply for this perception. Though lawyers often get lumped into a single category, different types of lawyers have different fees. Even different lawyers within the same area of law can vary widely in what they charge and how they expect to be paid.

Many injury lawyers offer a free consultation where they will listen to your case and give you advice on the legal implications of your circumstances. If you have a strong case and decide to move forward with litigation, your  lawyer is likely to work on what is called a “contingency” basis. This means that the attorney will provide his or her services free of charge and will be paid through a percentage of the settlement. This keeps the entire process low-risk for the victims and increases the incentive for accident attorneys to reach the best settlement possible.

The last thing an injured person needs to worry about is lawyer fees when they’re already paying expensive medical bills. This also encourages lawyers to be honest when giving feedback at that free initial meeting. Lawyers won’t be tempted to take on cases that they don’t think they can win. This saves you a big headache and prevents attorneys from lying to gain clients.

My Insurance Company Will Never Cover My Medical Bills

If only it were so! People are required to carry insurance to cover costs in case of an incident, but insurance companies certainly aren’t motivated to help people. Insurance companies are for-profit corporations that will try their hardest to pay the least amount of money to make your claim go away. Insurance representatives deal with these situations day in and day out and are pros at negotiating down and convincing people to take less money than they deserve.

It’s quite likely that even if you get a favorable deal with your insurance company, there will still be uncovered costs. Even if you did nothing wrong and have a lot of bills associated with the incident, you are likely to end up spending money to correct someone else’s mistake. This is where pursuing compensation from the other person’s insurance company or through personal injury litigation with the help of an attorney can be helpful.

Personal Injury Cases Cost the Other Person Money

You’re probably not a bad person and worry about causing the other person to go broke or at least be in serious financial trouble if you pursue compensation. You believe that if you win a large sum, it will come out of the defendant’s savings account and prevent their kids from going to college. Well you can forget your worries on that point because most often, the at-fault party’s insurance company will be on the line for the settlement.

If you are injured on a company’s property, the same is true. Businesses are required to carry insurance policies in case someone gets injured on their property. Though you are taking action against a person or a company, it is their insurance company that will end up footing the bill. Good on you for having a conscience but don’t let it prevent you from getting the compensation you deserve. While you worry about someone else’s finances, yours may suffer!

You Don’t Need a Lawyer

While the concept behind personal injury isn’t very complicated, specific cases can become very complex and difficult to prove. Hiring a lawyer can help get you the compensation you need and deserve by having someone on your team who understand the laws as well as how to deal with insurance companies and other lawyers. Personal injury cases can only be brought about up to two years after the incident in question. While this may seem like a long time, considering how long it takes to feel up to legal action after a serious injury and how long it can take to build a strong case, it’s important to act as quickly as possible.

With over 15 years of experience handling all sorts of personal injury cases in Las Vegas, you can trust our attorneys at Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers to know how to handle your case with exceptional legal expertise and customer service.

Call Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers today on (702) 384-1414. You can also submit our online contact form and we will get back to you promptly.