What are Soft-Tissue Injuries?

Soft-tissue injuries refer to damage or trauma to the body’s muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues. These injuries are common in everyday activities, sports, and accidents.

Types of Soft-Tissue Injuries

Soft-tissue injuries can be broadly categorized into several types:

  • Sprains: Injuries to ligaments caused by overstretching or tearing. A common example is a sprained ankle.
  • Strains: Injuries to muscles or tendons caused by overstretching or overuse. An example is a strained back muscle.
  • Contusions: Bruises caused by direct impact to soft tissues, leading to bleeding under the skin.
  • Whiplash: A specific type of soft-tissue injury commonly associated with car accidents, where the neck muscles and ligaments are injured due to sudden, forceful back-and-forth movement.

These injuries can range from mild to severe, and symptoms often include pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited range of motion. In some cases, the pain and discomfort from soft-tissue injuries can persist for months or even years, leading to chronic issues that require ongoing medical treatment.

Most Common Causes of Soft-Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries often lead to personal injury claims when they are caused in an accident due to someone else’s negligence. Here are some of the most common causes:


Car Accidents

  • Whiplash: A common neck injury caused by sudden, forceful movement.
  • Seat Belt Injuries: Can cause bruises or sprains to the chest and shoulders.
  • Impact Injuries: Hitting parts of the car’s interior during a collision can result in bruises and strains.

Slip and Fall Accidents

  • Twisted Ankles/Wrists: Often occur when trying to break a fall.
  • Knee Injuries: Landing awkwardly can strain or tear ligaments.
  • Bruises and Contusions: Impact with the ground or objects can cause significant bruising.

Workplace Accidents

  • Overexertion: Lifting heavy objects or repetitive motion can lead to strains.
  • Falls from Heights: Common in construction, leading to back and shoulder injuries.
  • Impact Injuries: Being struck by objects or caught in machinery can cause soft tissue damage.

Sports Injuries

  • Muscle Strains: Result from overexertion or improper stretching.
  • Ligament Tears: Common in sports involving sudden direction changes.
  • Bruising: Frequent in contact sports like football.

Defective Products

  • Falls or Impact Injuries: Malfunctioning products can cause injuries.
  • Overexertion: Defective tools may require excessive force, leading to strains.

These causes highlight the diverse situations where soft tissue injuries can occur, but in any case, victims should seek medical attention immediately .

Pursuing a Soft-Tissue Injury Claim

Unlike broken bones or visible wounds, soft-tissue injuries are often less apparent and more difficult to prove. The pain and discomfort associated with these injuries are subjective, making it harder to demonstrate their severity. As a result, insurance companies may attempt to downplay the severity of soft-tissue injuries or argue that they are pre-existing conditions. They may also delay or deny claims in an effort to minimize payouts.

For this reason and many others, it is critical to consult an experienced Las Vegas serious injury lawyer. They can help you carefully document the injury, gather evidence to build your case, and handle negotiations with insurance companies to ensure they take your claim seriously and you receive fair compensation.